Ayur – life, longevity, Veda – science, knowledge=Ayurveda – science about life
Ayurveda is 5000 years old holistic body and mind medicine. Ayurveda is the oldest well-preserved treatment system in the world composed of unique system of nourishment, exercises, herb therapy, relaxation, meditation, cleaning of organism, aromatherapy, and colour therapy. From 1982, Ayurveda is approved by WHO as the effectice medicine.
Ayurveda is based on a principle well-tried for thousand years. It engages in detail not only cure, but even prevention of diseases, longevity and slowing down of ageing. The substance of disease is given by disequilibrium with our inborn constitution and disharmony between nature and us. The body expresses the disequilibrium by means of attending disease symptoms.
The purpose of Ayurveda is to find at each individual not only the harmony of three doshas, but also the equilibrium in the physical, psychic and spiritual spheres.
The main principle of Ayurveda is a life in compliance with personal constitution and with natural laws. Ayurveda is a holistic science; it engages the whole human being. It does not aim at symptom suppression, but it search for and treats the cause of disease. It is aimed at preservation of energy equilibrium in the body, the most important condition of health. According to constitution, race and climatic conditions Ayurveda recommends an individual composition of nourishment, herbs, procedures and general way of living.
The recognition of individual distinctness and individual approach to treatment is one of unique features of ayurveda medicine. According to Ayurveda the human being is composed of five elements, three life energy – principles (Doshas), seven tissues (Dhatus) and a number of canals (Shrotas). From these five elements – air, space, fire, water and earth – two elements always form the basis of three doshas. We name Doshas after the original words in Sanskrit, Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Doshas, the three principles, pervade the whole nature.
Vata is the energy of movement, Pitta expresses the metabolism and Kapha corresponds to the principle of matter and structure. These energies are in each individual but merely in another proportion. Each of us has a unique structure of energy and that is why each human being is so unique. The combination of these three doshas forms our constitution.
In spite vata, pitta and kapha are the expression of universal natural principle their number is different in the body of each individual. It depends on the individual combination of the elements in every person, which is given in the moment of birth. This expression is called Prakruti or the constitution of human being. We distinguish between the physical and psychic constitution. Most of us have a combined constitution as for instance vata pitta or pitta kapha. That means the individual type of vata pitta has the largest representation of the principle vata along with the considerable second principle pitta. Kapha is represented in this person as well, though in much less degree in comparison to the previous two principles. Vikruti indicates the present, actual state.
In the ideal case, Prakruti is in the same proportion as Vikruti. However, the current Doshas proportion mostly differs from the inborn constitution. All of the three doshas occur in each cell of every person. Doshas continuously change depending on season, life style and diet. Some individual have considerably expressed one dosha. However, most of people have combined constitution known as combination of two or three doshas. At double-doshas type, one dosha is represented significantly in individual and the other predominates over the last one, the third dosha. We may exceptionally find a triple-dosha type known as approximately the same proportion of all three energy.
In the event you are interested in a test of orientation, try any written Dosha-Test. The exact constitution is oftener determined by our ayurveda practician by means of pulse diagnostics. The disequilibrium of organism and the ensuing disease arise at excessively increased or decreased doshas. We must recover the weakened doshas by suitable means (diet, manner of living, herbs).
The basic principle of treatment in Ayurveda is to renew the harmony or the equilibrium of three doshas. It is important to realise that Ayurveda of people is divided into three main groups Vata, Pitta, Kapha, however there is countless other combinations and variations based on the basis of those three energies. In Ayurveda therapy, only natural remedies are used (herbs, aromatherapy, therapy with therapeutic stones, colours, massage and detoxication). Therapy in Ayurveda is individually aimed. It includes aromatherapy, herbal therapy, exercises, breath exercises, diet, detoxication therapy, yoga, marma therapy, meditation, massage therapy, colour and stone therapy.
Ayurveda covers and cures a wide spectrum of diseases, beginning from common cold, chronic diseases, up to mental disorders.